piled books

Books by Hastings Scholars

Research projects at the Center often lead to books. In addition, Center scholars write independently on a variety of topics. Here is a selection of books.

Human Flourishing in an Age of Gene Editing

Edited by Erik Parens and Josephine Johnston
(Oxford University Press, 2019)

Aging Policy and Politics in the Trump Era: Implications for Older Americans, 1st Edition

Edited by Edward Alan Miller, Pamela Nadash, and Michael K. Gusmano
(Routledge, 2018)
Purchase from Routledge

Debating Modern Medical Technologies
The Politics of Safety, Effectiveness, and Patient Access

Karen J. Maschke and Michael K. Gusmano
(Praeger, 2018)
Purchase from Praeger

Good Sport:
Why Our Games Matter — and How Doping Undermines Them

Thomas H. Murray
(Oxford University Press, 2018)

callahan--horsemenThe Five Horsemen of the Modern World:
Climate, Food, Water, Disease, and Obesity

Daniel Callahan
(Columbia University Press, 2016)

Nancy Berlinger
(Oxford University Press, 2016)

Purchase from Oxford University Press
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Taking--SidesTaking Sides: Clashing Views on Bioethical Issues, 18thedition
Gregory E. Kaebnick (ed.)
McGraw-Hill, 2015Purchase from McGraw-Hill
regulating_preimplantationRegulating Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis in the United States: The Limits of Unlimited Selection
Michelle Bayefsky and Bruce Jennings
(Palgrave Macmillan, 2015)>
Purchase from Palgrave MacmillanPurchase from Amazon
Humans_in_NatureHumans in Nature: The World as We Find It and the World as We Create It
Gregory E. Kaebnick
(Oxford University Press, 2013)Purchase from Oxford University Press
syn_bio_and_moralitySynthetic Biology and Morality: Artificial Life and the Bounds of Nature
Gregory E. Kaebnick and Thomas H. Murray (eds.)
(MIT Press, 2013)Purchase from MIT Press
in_search_of_the_goodIn Search of the Good: A Life in Bioethics
A memoir
Daniel Callahan
(MIT Press, 2012)
Callahan_Roots_BioethicsThe Roots of Bioethics
Health, Progress, Technology, Death
Daniel Callahan
(Oxford University Press, 2012)
physician_assistantThe Physician Assistant: An Illustrated History
Thomas E. Piemme, MD, Alfred M. Sadler, Jr., MD,  Reginald D.Carter, PhD, PA, and Ruth Ballweg, MPA, PA-C
(Acacia Publishing, 2013)
Ideal_of_natureThe Ideal of Nature
Debates about Biotechnology and the Environment
Gregory E. Kaebnick (ed.)
(Johns Hopkins University Press, 2011)
COI-book_coverTrust and Integrity in Biomedical Research
The Case of Financial Conflicts of Interest
Thomas H. Murray and Josephine Johnston (eds.)
(Johns Hopkins University Press, 2010)
world_citiesHealth Care in World Cities
Michael Gusmano,Victor G. Rodwin and Daniel Weisz
(Johns Hopkins University Press, 2010)
Blair-Sadler_book_coverTransforming the Healthcare Experience Through the Arts
By Blair L. Sadler and Annette Ridenour
(San Diego: Aesthetics, Inc., 2009)

Sports_technologiesPerformance-Enhancing Technologies in Sports
Ethical, Conceptual, and Scientific Issues
Thomas H. Murray, Karen J. Maschke, and Angela A. Wasunna (eds.)
(Johns Hopkins University Press, 2009)
Taming_Beloved_beastTaming the Beloved Beast: Medical Technology and Health Care Costs
Daniel Callahan
(Princeton University Press, 2009)
newborn-screeningEthics and Newborn Genetic Screening: New Technologies, New Challenges
Mary Ann Baily and Thomas H. Murray (eds.)
(Johns Hopkins University Press, 2009

reprogenetics_coverReprogenetics: Law, Policy, and Ethical Issues
Lori P. Knowles and Gregory E. Kaebnick (eds.)
(Johns Hopkins University Press, 2007)
QI-SRHealth Care Quality Improvement: Ethical and Regulatory Issues
Bruce Jennings, Mary Ann Baily, Melissa Bottrell, and Joanne Lynn (eds.)
(The Hastings Center, 2007)
public_health_ethicsPublic Health Ethics: Theory, Policy, and Practice
Bruce Jennings, Bonnie Steinbock, Lawrence O. Gostin and Ronald Bayer (eds.)
(Oxford University Press, 2006)
medicine-marketMedicine and the Market: Equity v Choice
Dan Callahan and Angela Wasunna
(Johns Hopkins University Press, 2006)
surgically_shapingSurgically Shaping Children: Technology, Ethics and the Pursuit of Normality
Erik Parens (ed.)
(Johns Hopkins University Press, 2006)
wrestling-behavioral-geneticsWrestling with Behavioral Genetics: Science, Ethics, and Public Conversation
Erik Parens, Audrey Chapman, and Nancy Press (eds.)
(Johns Hopkins University Press, 2005)
genetic-tiesGenetic Ties and the Family: The Impact of Paternity Testing on Parents and Children
Mark A. Rothstein, Thomas H. Murray, Gregory E. Kaebnick, and Mary Anderlik Majumder (eds.)
(Johns Hopkins University Press, 2005)
after-harmAfter Harm: Medical Error and the Ethics of Forgiveness
Nancy Berlinger
(Johns Hopkins University Press, 2005)

ethical-dilemmasLiving With Grief: Ethical Dilemmas at the End of Life
Bruce Jennings, Kenneth J. Doka, and Charles Corr (eds.)
(Washington, DC: Hospice Foundation of America, Living with Grief Series, 2005)

hosp-trustees-bookThe Ethics of Hospital Trustees, Hastings Center Studies in Ethics Series
Bruce Jennings, Virginia A. Sharpe, Bradford H. Gray,  and Alan R. Fleischman (eds.)
(Georgetown University Press, 2004)

cultures_caregivingThe Cultures of Caregiving: Conflict and Common Ground among Families, Health Professionals, and Policy Makers
Carol Levine and Thomas H. Murray (eds.)
(Johns Hopkins University Press, 2004)

callahan---better-healthWhat Price Better Health: Hazards of the Research Imperative
Daniel Callahan
(Berkeley: University of California Press, 2005)

worthofachildThe Worth of a Child
Thomas Murray
(University of California Press, 1996)

callahan-behaviorPromoting Healthy Behavior: How Much Freedom? Whose Responsibility? Hastings Center Studies in Ethics Series
Daniel Callahan (ed.)
(Georgetown University Press, 2001)

callahan-goals-medicineThe Goals of Medicine: The Forgotten Issues in Health Care Reform, Hastings Center Studies in Ethics Series
Mark J. Hanson, Daniel Callahan, and Gregory E. Kaebnick (eds.)
(Georgetown University Press, 2001)

parens---prenatal-testingPrenatal Testing and Disability Rights, Hastings Center Studies in Ethics Series
Erik Parens and Adrienne Asch (eds.)
(Georgetown University Press, 2000)

parens---human-traitsEnhancing Human Traits: Ethical and Social Implications, Hastings Center Studies in Ethics Series
Erik Parens (ed.)
(Georgetown University Press, 2000)

callahan--mental_healthWhat Price Mental Health: The Ethics and Politics of Setting Priorities, Hastings Center Studies in Ethics Series
Philip J. Boyle and Daniel Callahan (eds.)
(Georgetown University Press,  1995)

setting-limitsSetting Limits: Medical Goals in an Aging Society
Daniel Callahan

(Georgetown University Press, 1995)