Our Journals

cover of E&HR, a winter scene with dead branches and a few green leaves

Ethics & Human Research

Ethics & Human Research (formerly IRB: Ethics & Human Research) aims to foster critical analysis of issues in science and health care that have implications for human biomedical and behavioral research, including developments that bring new challenges to existing ethical, regulatory, and policy frameworks governing research with humans in the United States and elsewhere.

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Special Reports

Special Reports to the Hastings Center Report present the results of research projects. Reports may be single-authored or collections of essays prepared by members of project working groups, consensus documents, or lively conversations among those who reached differing moral conclusions about a project’s central questions.

Bioethics Briefings

cracked earth and refreshed earth with Hastings logo

Bioethics Briefings contain overviews of issues of high public interest, such as abortion, racism and health equity, climate change, and medical aid-in-dying. The briefs, written by leading bioethicists, are nonpartisan, describing topics from a range of perspectives that are grounded in scientific facts.

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