hands typing on keyboard with DNA overlay

Bioethics for Journalists: Events

The 2021 events were presented in October and November 2021 in partnership with the Center for ELSI Resources & Analysis (CERA). The theme is: Genomics in Society: New Developments, New Questions.

This series of events is part of The Hastings Center’s Callahan Public Programs, established by The Andrew and Julie Klingenstein Family Foundation and the John and Patricia Klingenstein Fund in honor of Hastings co-founder Daniel Callahan. 

Watch the Events:

Genomics, Human Behavior, and Social Outcomes

Moderator: Amy Harmon, Pulitzer prize-winning journalist at the New York Times covering the intersection of science and society.

Panelist: Erik Parens, a principal investigator of  “Wrestling with Social and Behavioral Genomics” and a senior research scholar at The Hastings Center.

Panelist: Melinda Mills, a genetic scientist at the Sociogenome Project and director of the Leverhulme Centre for Demographic Science (LCDS), University of Oxford.

Panelist: Arbel Harpak, assistant professor population health at University of Texas at Austin

Watch a clip.

Law Enforcement and Genetic Data

Moderator: Sarah Zhang, staff writer, The Atlantic, covering science.

Panelist: Ellen Wright Clayton, an internationally recognized leader in the field of law and genomics who holds appointments in Vanderbilt University’s medical school and law school, as well as the Center for Biomedical Ethics and Society. She is a Hastings Center fellow.

Panelist: CeCe Moore, chief genetic genealogist for Parabon Nanolabs, heading the Genetic Genealogy Services for law enforcement unit

Watch a clip.

Precision Medicine Research, “All of Us”, and Inclusion

Moderator: Nidhi Subbaraman, reporter, Wall Street Journal (formerly senior reporter, Nature)

Panelist: Sandra Soo-Jin Lee, chief of the Division of Ethics in the Department of Medical Humanities and Ethics at Columbia University, a co-principal investigator of the Center for ELSI Resources & Analysis (CERA), and a Hastings Center fellow

Panelist: Carolyn Neuhaus, research scholar at The Hastings Center and a principal investigator on two projects concerning the All of Us Research Program

Panelist: Katherine Blizinsky, policy director for the All of Us Research Program

Watch a clip.

Addressing Racism in Medical Research and Publishing

Moderator: Vabren Watts, equity director, Health Affairs

Panelist: Mildred Cho, Professor at Stanford University; Associate Director of the Stanford Center for Biomedical Ethics; co-PI of the CERA

Panelist: Fernando Di Maio, Director of Health Equity Research and Data Use in the Center for Health Equity at the American Medical Association and a professor of sociology at DePaul University. Co-editor of Unequal Cities: Structural Racism and the Death Gap in America’s Largest Cities

Watch a clip.