Press Release: Dr. Anthony Fauci on Public Trust in Science. A Hastings Center Event

The Hastings Center will host Dr. Anthony Fauci in “Public Trust in Science,” the second in a Hastings Conversations discussion series, Securing Health in a Troubled Time.

The nation’s top infectious disease official will explore the ethical issues raised by the erosion of trust in science in a virtual discussion developed by The Hastings Center, the pioneering bioethics institute. Dr. Fauci and Hastings Center president Mildred Solomon will look at how we can improve public understanding of complex issues in ways particularly suited to problem-solving and respectful dialogue. What is the proper balance between safety and speed when developing new therapeutics and vaccines? And who should decide when scientists and members of the public disagree?

The event will take place online on Thursday, November 19, from 11 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. Eastern time. Learn more and register here.

About the series, Securing Health in a Troubled Time:

Forty million people live in poverty in the United States, a reality at odds with our great wealth and espoused principles. Health inequities, including dramatically decreased life expectancies and severe illness for black Americans as well as increasing deaths in rural white America from suicide and drug overdoses, signify immense suffering among millions of Americans.

This series will explore the potentials and the dangers of this moment in time—and how we can capture this opportunity to redress longstanding injustice and build a more equitable society.

For more information, please contact Susan Gilbert at:

The Hastings Center addresses social and ethical issues in health care, science, and technology. It is the oldest independent, nonpartisan, interdisciplinary research institute of its kind in the world.