Intellectual Property Rights in Pharmaceuticals and Biological Materials
Principal Investigators: Josephine Johnston and Angela Wasunna
Funder: Sasakawa Peace Foundation
This project explored the impact of intellectual property law, policy, and practice on access to current and possible future health benefits. It focused on two case studies: patenting and access to HIV/AIDS medications, and patenting and access to research materials such as genes and stem cells. The project produced several publications and presentations:
Josephine Johnston and Angela A. Wasunna, Patents, Biomedical Research, and Treatments: Examining Concerns, Canvassing Solutions, a Hastings Center special report.
Josephine Johnston and Angela A. Wasunna, eds, “Special Issue on Biomedicine, Patents, and Access,” International Journal of Biotechnology.
Josephine Johnston and Karen M, Maschke, “Bioethics for Technology Transfer Managers,” workshop at Annual Meeting of Association for University Technology Managers, Orlando, Florida, March 2006.