Regulating Reprogenetics

Reproductive technologies, sometimes dubbed “reprogenetics” because they stand at the intersection of assisted reproduction and genetics, can both help people have children and give them greater choice over the kind of children they have. In the lead essay of this set, Franco Furger and Francis Fukuama argue that reprogenetics should be regulated and that regulation requires tactics that have no precedent in the United States. Four other essays offer contrasting views of various aspects of the proposal. To order the essays, please contact John Wiley & Sons customer support at 800-835-6770 or


Table of Contents


A proposal for Modernizing the Regulation of Human Biotechnologies

Franco Furger and Francis Fukuyama

Managing Reproductive Pluralism: The Case for Decentralized Governance

James W. Fossett

Can We Trust “Democratic Deliberation?”

Leonard M. Fleck

The Virtues of Muddling Through

John A. Robertson

Tied Up in Nots over Genetic Parentage

Josephine Johnston