IRB: Ethics & Human Research
Canadian Research Ethics Boards, MRI Research Risks, and MRI Risk Classification
In order to illuminate the potential harms of MRI research, we present data obtained by examining MRI research proposal files that had been submitted for review to several Canadian Research Ethics Boards. The data reveal that REB review of the studies contained omissions, considerable variability, and sometimes confusion regarding MRI research risks and risk classification. If our findings reflect the general state of REB review of MRI research in Canada and elsewhere, there is a pressing need for REBs to be educated about MRI risks in order to responsibly facilitate the disclosure of these research risks in consent forms and during the consent process. Developing a standard template consent form that discloses MRI research risks might be a way to ensure attention to and disclosure of risks.
Jennifer Marshall and Michael R. Hadskis, “Canadian Research Ethics Boards, MRI Research Risks, and MRI Risk Classification,” IRB: Ethics and Human Research 31, no. 4 (2009): 9-15.