Addressing Racism in Medical Research & Publishing


Racism and unconscious bias persist in medical research. Given that journalists who write, or aspire to write, about medicine look at journals for story ideas, the editors of those journals have an indispensable role in identifying and eliminating racism in the review and publication of research. What antiracist steps are leading journals taking? What more should be done? What kinds of cues can help journalists recognize racial bias in a research article?

Should AI Care For Us?

Ethics, AI, and Society Increased attention to the widespread applications of artificial intelligence—and large language models such as ChatGPT in particular—has raised questions about the integration of AI into caregiving relationships. AI will allow at least the appearance of more effective caregiving for aging adults and children by tailoring conversations to an individual’s history and...

Can AI Improve Health Care for Everyone?


Fast-moving developments in artificial intelligence have far-reaching implications for caregivers, patients, and the entire healthcare system. Will the introduction of AI systems improve diagnosis, treatment, and research, bringing better and fairer healthcare to all? Or not? Panelists:Dr. Nicol Turner Lee of The Brookings Institute Dr. Danielle Whicher of Mathematica Moderator:Josephine Johnston of The Hastings Center...

Rebuilding Trust in Science

Since before the pandemic we have been experiencing a breakdown in trust in science and health care. Explore the reasons for this crisis, with authors of a just-released Hastings Center special report on trust, who show a path forward to heal our fractured society. Transcript Trust Event With panelists Arthur Caplan, PhD, NYU Grossman School of...

What Is a ‘Serious Genetic Condition’?

Vardit Ravitsky, Ph.D., President and CEO of the Hastings Center, will deliver the keynote address, "What Is a 'Serious Genetic Condition'?," at the eighth annual reproductive ethics conference at the Institute for Bioethics and Health Humanities, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, Texas. The controversies and challenges of reproductive ethics arise from new technologies, political...