PRESS RELEASE: 02.15.11 Welcome Back to the Expanded Health Care Cost Monitor Blog
The blog was created by Daniel Callahan, senior researcher and president emeritus of The Hastings Center, who has written on medicine and health policy for more than two decades. Other contributors are experts in health care costs both here and abroad, including Muriel Gillick, Anthony J. Culyer, Louise Russell, Leonard Fleck, and Richard Saltman.
The blog was named one of the best online information sources on health reform by Slate.The Association of Health Care Journalists called it “nuanced and deliberative.” And it was frequently cited by The New York Times and other publications.
In his latest post, “The Cost Conundrum,” Callahan writes:
Cost control is a conundrum for both parties and for much of the public as well. It is technically difficult to figure out how to do it effectively and equitably….And it is difficult ethically because it means taking from people what they think they need, rightly or wrongly, hurting them for some higher good.
Future commentaries will discuss experiments with new physician payment systems, defined contributions as means of curbing health care costs, and cost control measures under way in other countries.
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Contact:Michael Turton, Communications Associate, (845) 424 4040 ext. 242