Bioethics Forum EssayAfter the Election, Our Aging Society Will Still Need Care PolicyAfter the election, the care needs of our aging society will continue to be met by families showing up, day after day. Whether or not our public officials decide to imagine otherwise and commit themselves to policy changes that could prove highly popular, bioethics needs to keep its eyes on the caregivers.Read After the Election, Our Aging Society Will Still Need Care PolicyBioethics Forum EssayWhen Bioethics is Like Surfing: Changing Federal PolicyI was honored (and honestly a bit surprised) to play a pivotal role in a recent federal milestone for patients’ rights. On April 1, the Department of Health and Human...Read When Bioethics is Like Surfing: Changing Federal PolicyBioethics Forum EssayBioethicists and Health Care Institutions Must Act Against Florida’s Anti-Immigrant LawFlorida’s new anti-immigrant law, SB 1718, has escaped widespread notice, despite the way it will undermine the mission—and core identity--of not-for-profit hospitals as caring institutions that promote the health of the community. Bioethics and health care institutions must take action.Read Bioethicists and Health Care Institutions Must Act Against Florida’s Anti-Immigrant LawBioethics Forum EssayVaccination Discrimination Goes Against Nursing EthicsSome health care providers are prioritizing patients who are fully vaccinated against Covid-19 over those who are unvaccinated. This is unethical.Read Vaccination Discrimination Goes Against Nursing EthicsBioethics Forum EssayShould Covid Vaccination Status Be Used to Make Triage Decisions?As the Covid-19 pandemic continues to strain health systems’ capacity to provide adequate care for critically ill patients, should patients’ vaccination status be considered in making triage decisions? This question sparked debate recently after the leak of an internal memo of the North Texas Mass Critical Care Guideline Task Force that proposed using patients’ Covid-19 vaccination status as a factor to assign intensive care beds.Read Should Covid Vaccination Status Be Used to Make Triage Decisions?Bioethics Forum EssayNew Regulation for Organ Procurement Will Improve Equity and Save LivesIn the more than 35 years since federal legislation created organ procurement organizations (OPOs) to recover organs from deceased donors for transplantation, there has been a disparity in their performance,...Read New Regulation for Organ Procurement Will Improve Equity and Save LivesBioethics Forum EssayHacking Ventilators in a PandemicThe Covid-19 pandemic continues to test and occasionally overwhelm health care institutions. Many practitioners may face the ethically challenging scenario of having to ration ventilators while triaging patients in “crisis care.” Ventilator shortages have led to innovative ventilator design “hacks.” Are these improvised ventilators ethical?Read Hacking Ventilators in a PandemicBioethics Forum EssayCracks in the System: Lessons Learned from the Covid-19 PandemicThe United States leads the world in coronavirus cases and deaths. Although many people have called out the inadequacies of our health care system, Covid-19 has exposed the most significant shortcomings. The need for change can no longer be ignored. Here are three lessons from this pandemic that should be leveraged for change.Read Cracks in the System: Lessons Learned from the Covid-19 PandemicBioethics Forum EssayImmigrant Health and the Moral Scandal of the “Public Charge” RuleA long-anticipated policy change proposed by the Trump administration that would count the use of many federally-subsidized programs against immigrants currently eligible to use them threatens public health and would...Read Immigrant Health and the Moral Scandal of the “Public Charge” RuleBioethics Forum EssayA Single-Payer Bubble?In an earlier piece, “Trumping Drug Costs,” I looked at out-of-pocket costs as the pivotal issue with drugs. They can be a particularly heavy burden on the elderly, taking money...Read A Single-Payer Bubble?Bioethics Forum EssayTrumping Drug CostsI usually have trouble finding a good word to say for President Trump’s policy ventures, but his aim to better control out-of-pocket drug costs is worth support. Distressingly, but unsurprisingly,...Read Trumping Drug CostsBioethics Forum EssayIs it Time to Regulate the Sale of Sugar to Minors?In “Tackling Obesity and Disease: The Culprit Is Sugar; the Response is Legal Regulation,” published in the Hastings Center Report, Lawrence O. Gostin describes four coordinated interventions that have been...Read Is it Time to Regulate the Sale of Sugar to Minors?Bioethics Forum EssayOrgan Donation and Transplantation in the U.S.: 50 Years of Success, Strategies for ImprovementThe Uniform Anatomical Gift Act, a landmark law adopted 50 years ago this summer, has provided a sound and stable legal platform on which to base an effective nationwide organ...Read Organ Donation and Transplantation in the U.S.: 50 Years of Success, Strategies for ImprovementBioethics Forum EssayWhen Pat and Bob Nearly Saved Health Care Reform: A Lesson in Senatorial Bedside MannerWith Senator John McCain’s heroic return and Vice President Mike Pence’s tie-breaking vote on a health care bill July 25, Senate Republicans managed to cobble together 51 votes simply to agree to debate...Read When Pat and Bob Nearly Saved Health Care Reform: A Lesson in Senatorial Bedside MannerBioethics Forum EssayMorally Indefensible Health Care BillsThere is a broad and deep moral conviction that health care should be distributed according to genuine need and not left to the cold mercy of pure market forces or the logic of actuarial fairness. Unfortunately, the proposed American Health Care Act (AHCA), passed last week in the House of Representatives, and other legislation threaten to undermine that moral commitment.Read Morally Indefensible Health Care BillsBioethics Forum EssayHealth Reform and Competing Visions of JusticeOn May 4, 2017, just over one month after abandoning a previous version of the bill, the U.S. House of Representatives voted by a 217-213 margin (with one abstention) to...Read Health Reform and Competing Visions of JusticeBioethics Forum EssayHow “America First” Undermines Our HealthPeople value their health. It allows them to pursue their aims and enjoy their lives, and it contributes to their well-being. But health is not only good for particular healthy...Read How “America First” Undermines Our HealthBioethics Forum EssayAfter the Election Bioethics Faces a Rocky RoadAcademic bioethics has never been popular with Republicans. Libertarians dislike academic bioethics because it seems too elitist and anti-free market. Religious thinkers worry it is technocratic, soulless and crassly utilitarian....Read After the Election Bioethics Faces a Rocky RoadBioethics Forum EssayThe Challenge of High Drug Prices in the U.S.Drug spending in the United States increased more than 12 percent in 2014 and is projected to rise faster than overall health care spending over the next 10 years. Between...Read The Challenge of High Drug Prices in the U.S.Bioethics Forum EssayThe Good of the BodyThe December 2015 United Nations meeting on climate change was an historic moment for global efforts to reduce harmful carbon emissions. While it gained the agreement about the future good...Read The Good of the BodyBioethics Forum EssayRight to Try Laws and the Power of StoriesI said that in focusing on abstract science and policy arguments against right to try laws, experts (and here I meant to include ethics experts) have neglected the power of...Read Right to Try Laws and the Power of StoriesBioethics Forum EssayThe Supreme Court and Health Care Access for Undocumented ImmigrantsThe Supreme Court announced that it will hear a legal challenge to President Obama’s 2014 executive action to protect an estimated five million undocumented immigrants from deportation and permit them to work...Read The Supreme Court and Health Care Access for Undocumented ImmigrantsBioethics Forum EssayAfter Banning Torture, Psychology Association at a CrossroadsThe American Psychological Association (APA) voted at its 2015 meeting to ban psychologists from participating in national security interrogation programs, including torture. The policy change was in response to the public outcry...Read After Banning Torture, Psychology Association at a CrossroadsBioethics Forum EssayReasonable Regulation of Surrogate MotherhoodThis month France’s highest court granted legal recognition to children born to surrogates. Previously, surrogate children were deprived of any legal connection to their parents, or any civil status in...Read Reasonable Regulation of Surrogate MotherhoodBioethics Forum EssayCalifornia’s Strides in Providing Health Care for Undocumented ImmigrantsI had just turned 5 in November 1994 when my fellow Californians voted to pass Proposition 187 in a draconian attempt to restrict undocumented immigrants from receiving health care, education, and other...Read California’s Strides in Providing Health Care for Undocumented ImmigrantsBioethics Forum EssaySupreme Court Decision in King v Burwell: Backstory and Next StepsThe Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) relies on three primary strategies for expanding health insurance coverage. First, it regulates the insurance market to prevent practices that made it difficult or...Read Supreme Court Decision in King v Burwell: Backstory and Next StepsBioethics Forum EssayWhen Words Matter: Medical Education and the Care of Transgender PatientsI was only there to learn how to place IV lines. But as my anesthesia attending and I gathered our needles, tourniquet, and gauze, I noticed that our patient, whom...Read When Words Matter: Medical Education and the Care of Transgender PatientsBioethics Forum EssayDon’t Categorically Refuse CPR to Ebola PatientsRecently it has been argued that cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) should, as a matter of policy, not be offered to persons with Ebola disease. Such a categorical restriction of CPR based...Read Don’t Categorically Refuse CPR to Ebola PatientsBioethics Forum EssayResponding to Ebola: Questions about ResuscitationWhile details of the deaths of patients in Dallas and Madrid from Ebola are not public, their passing prompts questions about resuscitation in individuals infected with the virus. To date,...Read Responding to Ebola: Questions about ResuscitationBioethics Forum EssayNew York City’s Innovative Approach to Helping Unaccompanied MinorsNew York City Mayor Bill de Blasio recently announced a plan to connect unaccompanied minors who have arrived in the city from Central America with public education and health care through the...Read New York City’s Innovative Approach to Helping Unaccompanied MinorsBioethics Forum EssayResponding to Ebola: Retrofitting Governance SystemsIn a recent New York Times op-ed, David Brooks observes that governance, in the form of multilateral organizing, is missing from the response to the Ebola epidemic in West Africa. Unfortunately, global...Read Responding to Ebola: Retrofitting Governance SystemsBioethics Forum EssayResponding to Ebola: Organizational Ethics, Frontline PerspectivesBeyond crucial questions of fair access to scarce supplies of the experimental drug ZMapp and to other potentially effective drugs to treat Ebola, commentators from bioethics, public health, journalism, and...Read Responding to Ebola: Organizational Ethics, Frontline PerspectivesBioethics Forum EssayFDA Proposal for Regulating Laboratory Diagnostics Could Improve Patient CareWendy Chung’s commentary last month about the FDA’s proposed draft guidance for the regulation of laboratory-developed tests (LDTs) is heavily critical of the agency’s plans. Professor Chung argues that the FDA’s involvement...Read FDA Proposal for Regulating Laboratory Diagnostics Could Improve Patient CareBioethics Forum EssayThe VA Crisis is Fundamentally an Ethics CrisisThe crisis and failure of caregiving that have engulfed the Veterans Health Administration cannot be solved with increased resources or even by hiring more doctors and nurses. Additional resources are...Read The VA Crisis is Fundamentally an Ethics CrisisBioethics Forum EssayHobby Lobby Decision Likely to Increase Health Care InequityThe Supreme Court’s ruling in Burwell, Secretary of Health and Human Services, et al. v. Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc., et al., could undermine a central goal of the Patient Protection and...Read Hobby Lobby Decision Likely to Increase Health Care InequityBioethics Forum EssayWhat Do We Owe to Child Migrants?From October 1, 2013, through June 15, 2014, more than 52,000 child migrants crossed the U.S.-Mexico border in South Texas, overwhelming the U.S. Customs and Border Patrol and the Department of Homeland...Read What Do We Owe to Child Migrants?Bioethics Forum EssayDespite the Risks, and Because of Them, the FDA Should Permit Recycling Medical ImplantsIt is hard to quibble with the fact that Dr. Daniel Mascarenhas is breaking the law. It is also hard to quibble with the fact that he is a hero. The...Read Despite the Risks, and Because of Them, the FDA Should Permit Recycling Medical ImplantsBioethics Forum EssayWhat Role Should Bioethics Play in Global Health?I appreciate Dr. Benatar’s essay on the role of bioethics in confronting the challenges of global health inequities. His article aptly catalogues the contributing factors–both specific to health and otherwise–that weigh heavily...Read What Role Should Bioethics Play in Global Health?Bioethics Forum EssayHow Bioethicists Can Help Reduce Global Health InequitiesThe state of global health is a major concern. Despite advances in medicine and medical care and massive growth of the global economy, health in the world is characterized by...Read How Bioethicists Can Help Reduce Global Health InequitiesBioethics Forum EssayTruvada: No Substitute for Responsible SexA new debate is surging through the gay male population in the United States: should gay men take a drug that can reduce their risk of contracting HIV? The drug...Read Truvada: No Substitute for Responsible SexBioethics Forum Essay“Health Care as Hospitality”: Organizational Ethics in a Migrant Health ClinicGeylang is the red-light district of Singapore, east of the city center. It would be easy, and wrong, to describe Geylang as a different world from the skyscrapers and malls...Read “Health Care as Hospitality”: Organizational Ethics in a Migrant Health ClinicBioethics Forum EssayBloomberg, Nannying, and the Symbolic Value of Food ChoiceI mostly agree with Lawrence Gostin’s paean to outgoing New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg in the Hastings Center Report. Like Gostin, I see Bloomberg as a public health innovator...Read Bloomberg, Nannying, and the Symbolic Value of Food ChoiceBioethics Forum EssayBloomberg’s Health Legacy: What Inflames Consumer Passions in the Food Wars?After the Hastings Center Report published my essay on Mayor Bloomberg’s health legacy — with its key ideas spread through the popular media (here and here) — vitriolic messages streamed...Read Bloomberg’s Health Legacy: What Inflames Consumer Passions in the Food Wars?Bioethics Forum EssayWhy Health Plan Cancellations Do Not Mean Failure for ACAOn November 14, President Obama announced that he would delay by one year the implementation of requirements imposed by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act(ACA) that would have led...Read Why Health Plan Cancellations Do Not Mean Failure for ACABioethics Forum EssayIn Search of SterilityIn the November-December issue of the Hastings Center Report I wrote about voluntary sterilization for childfree women. The article came about through my inability to get sterilized as a childfree woman. I...Read In Search of SterilityBioethics Forum Essay“Poverty Impedes Cognitive Function” – Reason to Help, or Blame, the Poor?“’The lower the caste,’ said Mr. Foster, ‘the shorter the oxygen.’ The first organ affected was the brain. After that the skeleton.” In Brave New World cognitive ability is carefully and intentionally...Read “Poverty Impedes Cognitive Function” – Reason to Help, or Blame, the Poor?Bioethics Forum EssayCharging Smokers Higher Health Insurance Rates: Is it Ethical?Smoking-related illnesses cost the United States hundreds of billions of dollars a year in health care expenditures and lost productivity, and claim hundreds of thousands of lives.” Given the enormous...Read Charging Smokers Higher Health Insurance Rates: Is it Ethical?Bioethics Forum EssayThe Supreme Court and the Fight Against AIDSThe salience of the Constitution’s spending clause to the public’s health is not often appreciated–empowering the federal government to “provide for the common Defense and general Welfare.” But the power...Read The Supreme Court and the Fight Against AIDSBioethics Forum Essay“Undocumented Doctors” and the Health of the DreamersLoyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine’s recent announcement that it would accept applications from Dreamers – young undocumented immigrants eligible for Deferred Action on Childhood Arrivals (DACA)status – is an innovative and welcome...Read “Undocumented Doctors” and the Health of the DreamersBioethics Forum EssaySports Concussions and SandbaggingSport-related concussions are a significant public health problem, and concussion management is one of the most controversial issues in sports medicine. The latest international consensus statement on concussion in sport advises that...Read Sports Concussions and SandbaggingBioethics Forum EssayTouching HistoryAIDS in New York: The First Five Years is an exhibit running this summer at The New-York Historical Society, an organization so venerable that its name reflects how the city’s name...Read Touching HistoryBioethics Forum EssayLearning to Talk Like a DoctorThree years before beginning medical school, I got off a bus in Granada, Spain and met the family I would be living with for four months. My host parents, Carmen...Read Learning to Talk Like a DoctorBioethics Forum EssayWhy Target National Obesity Rates?In a recent article in the Hastings Center Report, Daniel Callahan argues that obesity is a serious public health problem facing the U.S. and suggests a variety of strategies for combating this problem....Read Why Target National Obesity Rates?Bioethics Forum EssayWhy Target National Obesity Rates?In a recent article in the Hastings Center Report, Daniel Callahan argues that obesity is a serious public health problem facing the U.S. and suggests a variety of strategies for combating this problem....Read Why Target National Obesity Rates?Bioethics Forum EssayA More Ethical Strategy Against Obesity: Changing the Built EnvironmentSince the 1960s, obesity has become one of the most significant health problems in industrialized nations. In the U.S., the percentage of obese adults increased from 13 percent in the 1960s...Read A More Ethical Strategy Against Obesity: Changing the Built EnvironmentBioethics Forum EssayObesity and Public Health: No Place for ShameIn his article, “Obesity: Chasing an Elusive Epidemic,” published in the Hastings Center Report, Daniel Callahan posits that obesity is so widespread and embedded in our culture that most if not...Read Obesity and Public Health: No Place for ShameBioethics Forum EssayControversy in the Hastings Center Report: Responding to an Article on ObesityNearly everyone agrees that obesity is a significant public health problem in the United States, and nearly everyone agrees that the public health responses to it so far have been...Read Controversy in the Hastings Center Report: Responding to an Article on ObesityBioethics Forum EssayRites and Wrongs: Changing a Ritual from WithinThe previously obscure ultra-Orthodox Jewish rite of metzitzah b’peh (oral suction) has burst into the news lately and raised critical questions about genital surgery, consent, First Amendment rights, tradition, and...Read Rites and Wrongs: Changing a Ritual from WithinBioethics Forum EssayWhat Can Plato Teach Us About the Health Insurance Mandate?As any philosopher worth his or her salt can tell you, health insurance is not among the array of topics in Plato’s corpus. Even so, a lesson on citizenship from...Read What Can Plato Teach Us About the Health Insurance Mandate?Bioethics Forum EssayThe Hazards of Fast ScienceA recent editorial in Nature lauds the U.S. government for its efforts to promote open communication between government scientists and journalists, but it condemns the Canadian government for its opposing efforts to...Read The Hazards of Fast ScienceBioethics Forum EssayPink Ribbons, Wire Hangers, and the Politics of Women’s Health“Pink is the new wire hanger.” In the flurry of tweets that followed in the wake of the debacle between Susan G. Komen for the Cure and Planned Parenthood, this one was...Read Pink Ribbons, Wire Hangers, and the Politics of Women’s HealthBioethics Forum EssayMedicine as a Weapon in Syria and BeyondA recent editorial in The Lancet issued a dire warning to the international medical community: medicine is a weapon of war in Syria. It is just the latest in a series of...Read Medicine as a Weapon in Syria and BeyondBioethics Forum EssayJustified Restrictions on Religious FreedomThe Obama administration’s decision regarding Catholic institutions and coverage for reproductive health has stirred up a firestorm of claims that the policy restricts religious freedom. That’s true: the policy does restrict...Read Justified Restrictions on Religious FreedomBioethics Forum EssayA Lesson from the Contraception Coverage Uproar? Rethink Employer-Based InsuranceUnless you’ve been living under a rock for the past few weeks, you’re now well aware of the otherhealth care mandate. The Affordable Care Act requires insurers to cover “preventative health...Read A Lesson from the Contraception Coverage Uproar? Rethink Employer-Based InsuranceBioethics Forum EssayHealth Workers as Pawns of WarfareLast week, NPR reported a major humanitarian group’s decision to stop treating patients from detention centers in Misrata, Libya. According tothe report,“torture was so rampant that some detainees were brought...Read Health Workers as Pawns of WarfareBioethics Forum EssayObama’s Unspoken Words About Health Reform and ValuesMany in the health policy world worried when President Obama made only passing reference to health care in his State of the Union Address — only two mentions of the...Read Obama’s Unspoken Words About Health Reform and ValuesBioethics Forum EssayIt’s Not Just the Economy, StupidDespite the persistent focus on economic growth, jobs, and global competition in the Republican presidential primaries, many social issues with significant bioethics implications are also at stake in November’s election....Read It’s Not Just the Economy, StupidBioethics Forum EssayThe American Medical Association’s Apology in Context: The Need for RestorationThe AMA’s recent apology to black physicians marks another moral milestone in white America’s ritualized confession of its racist past, standing alongside President Clinton’s 1997 apology to the survivors of...Read The American Medical Association’s Apology in Context: The Need for RestorationBioethics Forum EssayWhen HIPAA HurtsEver since HIPAA went into effect and I’ve been signing that form over and over at my doctors’ offices, attesting to my knowledge of the law, I’ve been feeling I...Read When HIPAA HurtsBioethics Forum EssayThe Federal Marriage Amendment and the New One Drop of Blood RuleAs anti-miscegenation laws took hold in an effort to stop blacks and whites from marrying, by necessity courts had to start deciding who counted as white or black. The standard...Read The Federal Marriage Amendment and the New One Drop of Blood Rule