yellow and brick building in sunset

Resident Services to Build Communities of Opportunities for Older Adults in Affordable Housing

Principal Investigators: Terri Lewinson, Dartmouth and Nancy Birkmeyer, Dartmouth
Co-Investigator: Nancy Berlinger, The Hastings Center
Funder: National Institute on Aging

August 2023

Senior research scholar Nancy Berlinger is co-Investigator on a research team at The Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy and Clinical Practice at Dartmouth College, led by Dr. Terri Lewinson and Dr. Nancy Birkmeyer, on an R01, “Resident Services to Build Communities of Opportunities for Older Adults in Affordable Housing for Persons with ADRD,” funded by the National Institute on Aging. The team is learning from staff who work in affordable housing about how they support older residents, including persons living with symptoms of dementia. Study findings will contribute to mixed-methods research to understand the ways in which the built environment can support health and well-being in later life.