By Invitation Only
Enhancing End-of-Life Care: Where Do We Go From Here?
Hosted by Carl Farrington & David Pollock
Arlington Club, 811 SW Salmon Street, Portland
Monday, September 26, 2016
6:00 PM Reception
6:45 Remarks & Discussion
“In the second-half of the 20th century baby boomers reinvented birthing practices. Now we have to redefine our exit strategy.” ~ Mildred Solomon, President, The Hastings Center |
In 1997, Oregon made history by offering its terminally ill citizens a new option near the end of life. Since then, five more states have legalized physician aid in dying. This trend will likely continue to make its way through the states.
Now it’s time to think about the next chapter – with millions of Baby Boomers entering advanced age and many lumbered with chronic, progressive conditions, where should we go from here?
In this session Mildred Solomon, president of The Hastings Center and a world leader in the ethics of end-of- life care, will explore a variety of steps our nation should take to improve the lives of our aging population.
She will talk both about what you can do to protect yourself and your own family, and also what policies our nation should be considering to establish more dignified and effective care of people with chronic, progressive illnesses and terminal conditions.
Most importantly, the session will address why we need expanded ethical norms if we are not only to die well, but also to live well, near the end of life — achieving compassion and justice for elders.
PLEASE RSVP by emailing Siofra Vizzi by clicking here:
or you may call her at 845-424-4040 ext. 202
The Hastings Center is the nation’s only freestanding bioethics research institute. Independent and nonpartisan, we bring people together who have differing values, perspectives and viewpoints to build trust and public dialogue. Our scholars do rigorous research to build a wiser, fairer, more compassionate and respectful future.