Support our Work
This has been a year like no other. For all of us. Challenges raised by the pandemic, including tragic reminders of the health inequities deeply embedded in our culture, underscore the significant extent to which society needs bioethics to help chart the best path forward. Your donation today will help The Hastings Center continue to respond to these important and complex issues.
As social and ethical issues in health policy, health care, science, and technology dominate the headlines, The Hastings Center is leading research that shapes bioethics. Our scholars have produced a COVID-19 ethical framework for health care institutions that has been adopted by providers around the world. Our Hastings Conversations public webinar series on Re-Opening the Nation and Securing Health in a Troubled Time—including the most recent one on public trust in science, which featured Dr. Anthony Fauci—have attracted thousands of viewers. And we continue to host the popular Hastings Bioethics Forum on our website while publishing two of the leading peer-reviewed journals in the field. In short, with the support of donors like you, we are redoubling our commitment to build the most insightful and impactful ideas in bioethics thought and practice.
Founded in 1969, The Hastings Center has been working to advance bioethics for 50 years. To celebrate our first five decades of impact and set our future trajectory, we are launching the public phase of The Hastings Center 50th Anniversary Campaign. This $12.5 million initiative will expand our capacity to conduct research on emerging topics in bioethics and markedly enhance our public engagement and resulting impact on society, core elements of the Hastings mission and vision as described in this short video.
With all its ups and downs, 2020 challenged The Hastings Center to elevate our research, public engagement, and societal impact. We seized the opportunity, influencing health care and science policy worldwide. The Hastings Center 50th Anniversary Campaign provides a blueprint for continued success. But we can’t do it alone.
Please support our effort to promote the wise use of emerging biomedical technologies and just and compassionate health care for all..
Thank you for sharing our commitment to ethical advances in health, science, and technology!
As an independent research center, we are free to pursue the tough questions through scholarship and public engagement. We are experts at engaging stakeholders with diverse perspectives and building connections across deep divides, a true rarity in these politically contentious times. Your donation will help us leverage these strengths to confront the ethical challenges of today.
Our public impact has never been greater. But with your help, we can do even more. Please make a gift to The Hastings Center today.
Thank you for your interest in The Hastings Center. Take good care of you and yours!

Mildred Z. Solomon, EdD