Vascular Biology 2015
October 18-22, 2015
Vascular Biology 2015 will deliver presentations in cutting edge research in cardiovascular biology. This unique cross-disciplinary meeting provides distinct perspectives and approaches to what are often common biological or clinical problems. Basic discoveries about normal development and function of the vascular system inform efforts in tissue engineering; conversely, engineering approaches provide new tools and systems for studying cell interactions that are relevant to normal vascular biology. Additionally, mechanical and signaling properties of the extracellular matrix is an important theme in both areas. Together, these workshops form a unique conference in which vascular disease and biology is presented from multiple perspectives to gain new insights and generate new scientific collaborations.
Venue details: Resort and Conference Center at Hyannis, 35 Scudder Avenue, Hyannis, 02601, United States
Contact Name: Bernadette Englert
Contact Email:
Phone Number: (301) 760-7745